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Our Worst Enemy.


Fat.  Ugly.  Worthless.  Stupid.  Short.  Useless.  Unable.  Lazy.  Invisible.  Weird.  Quirky.  Broken.  Alone.  Indecisive.  Anxious.  Gullible.  Weak.  Insecure.  Detached. 

When you have an overachiever at the office, you may feel a bit frustrated.  Maybe you will call them names to your peers, accuse them of sucking up to the boss.   You mutter on the phone to others finding anything negative to say about them that you can.  It’s ok to vent.  We are human.  But, what you don’t know is this.  They work hard to hide pain.  They work hard to block it out.  They don’t have what you may have at home, like family.  Work fills the void.  For 8 hours, they are somebody.  Somebody they don’t hate.  Somebody they wish they could be all the time.  Somebody who matters.  She goes to sleep at night, excited to go back to feeling this way in the morning again.  Weekends are long and vacations aren’t necessary.  She doesn’t help everyone for attention, she helps because to her, this is her family.  Work is her life.

Your cousin didn’t show up to your grandfather’s funeral.  Terrible, right?  You instantly talk about how it’s not right and how selfish they are.  They must be living it up or found something better to do.  Everybody goes to pay their final respects.  Anyone who doesn’t is inconsiderate and you will not associate yourself with them again!  What you don’t know is this.  Your cousin sat in the car, shaking and crying for an hour.  Hyperventilating because of anxiety.  Uncontrollable anxiety which can hit at any given moment.  She wants to be there, she’s trying to be.  Her brain just won’t let her.  She prays to God to get her through, just for today.  It’s too much.  She doesn’t want this to happen at the funeral.  The attention shouldn’t be on her, the focus should be on the beautiful memory of her grandfather.  She decides to stay home to make sure she doesn’t ruin anything once again.

You notice somebody wearing an outfit a little snug.  Instinctively, you make a comment to a friend about how she should not be wearing that.  “I’d kill myself if I looked like that.”  The girl overheard you, closed her eyes and could feel the sting of the tears prickling.  You don’t know that she heard you.  You also don’t know that it took her years to get to this point.  To get to the point of working hard to lose weight.  To feel a little bit more comfortable in her skin, she took the plunge and wore something a bit out of her comfort zone.  She convinced herself 7 times this morning, changing in and out of other outfits, to finally leave the house in this.  She felt good, yet could still hear his voice in the back of her mind.  You see for years she heard from someone she thought loved her about how disgusting she was.  How she should never wear anything aside from oversized clothing.  How she must wish she looked like other women, so she could actually put on a bathing suit.  Today took a lot for her.  But, listening to somebody confirm what he always said made her realize that maybe he was right after all.  She didn’t report to work that night.  She couldn’t handle feeling worthless anymore.  Today, you helped her reach her final breaking point and you probably didn’t think about her feelings for a minute.  She didn’t even look bad at all, you just knew you probably couldn’t pull it off yourself. All because in your own mind, you aren’t physically where you wish you were. Ten seconds of your own insecurity is all it took to break someone down.  Someone who finally gave up.

If we all took a moment to understand each other’s stories, we would know that there’s so much more under the surface.  We see people passing by and we think we know everything about them.  The truth is you probably don’t know even a 1/4 about why they are the way that they are.  Maybe instead of spewing hatred, maybe we can try to spread more love.  God only knows how much we all need it.  It’s a cruel world, but for a lot of us, the darkest words come from inside our own heads.  Our own worst enemy tends to be ourselves.  If we are critiquing ourselves throughout the days, do we really need strangers or friends pointing out our insecurities verbally?  We need more love.  If you took a split second to stop and think before making the rude remark, maybe even changing it to a positive comment, maybe you would be saving a life.

We all have stories.  We all have felt broken.  The last thing we need is for the pieces to continue to fall.  I challenge you to be the glue.  Mend people back together.  Understand who they are without doubting them.  Rather than turning to vocalizing the faults of others in an attempt to you feel stronger, try using your own broken heart to put people back together.  We are all capable of doing this.  Imagine being the person whose compliment saved another human!    You may not even realize it happened, but I guarantee the person you saved will always remember your words.  Make them good!

Our mind is our own worst enemy, don’t contribute to the chaos.  Help the words in the minds of others become positive.  You have the power to be the good.  You have the power to be a light for others.  Don’t leave them in the dark.  Shine all your light on them and I guarantee He will do the same for you!

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Who’s Got Your Back?


24 hours are in a day.  8 of those hours we use for sleep (unless you are a parent in which case you are lucky to reach 4-6 solid hours.  It does get better as they grow up, I promise).  After factoring in our 8 hours of sleep, we have 16 hours left in our day.  In all honesty, how much time do you waste thinking about people who  have had a negative impact on your life?

Speaking on behalf of myself, I spend hours thinking about these people.  I focus on things that have been said about my character by people who do not know me.  People who claim to have been friends or family who now are complete strangers saying hateful, negative, untruthful things about me, I think about them.  People who have hurt me, people I have cried over, people who have convinced other people who I love to believe lies without speaking with me first, I think about them.

I spend my precious time thinking about the minds of the ignorant, of those who are not saved, of those who cannot forgive.  I spend my time thinking about those with malicious intent, who do not want to hear any story aside from their own.  I am thinking about them.

16 precious hours that I am awake during the day, I am spending my energy on people who do not want the best for me.  People who would love to see me fall.  People who spread lies about me.  People who have no faith in me.

Why do I do this?  Why do we do this?  Something within me needs to shift.  And with God, we can make that happen.

Who are the ones near you when you hurt?  Who lingers a few minutes after church just for a chance to say, “hi, how’s life for you lately?”  Who sends you a text now and then just to check in to make sure you are ok?  Why are we ignoring these people just to focus on those who will never love us.  Why not shift that energy and focus to the ones always there?  The ones we may take for granted because we are trying to figure out where those other relationships went wrong or trying to figure out why they are saying such negative things without even properly knowing you?  The real you?  The real you that these other people know and love and want to be around?

We can shift this energy into positive.  We have control over our own minds.  Not those who are against us, not the enemy, not our own self-doubt.  We have full control over our minds and we can choose to focus on the positive.  It’s not going to be easy!  Is anything like this ever easy?  No!  But, through Him we can focus on who He has placed within our reach!  It’s just a matter of focus, perseverance and faith!

Let go of those who have ill intentions towards you.  It’s not our job to change their minds!  Pray.  Pray for yourself, pray for them.  But, we need to let the negative go.  Let it be and control our own paths.  I don’t want to continue focusing my precious 16 hours a day on who loathes me or who thinks they know my story.  I know my story.  God knows my story.  Those who love and want the best for me are who I intend to spend my time on.  I’m focusing on those who fill the bucket with love, not the ones who drill the holes in it.

Forgive those who have hurt you, but focus and love those who are always there.  16 hours sounds like a long time, but it flashes by so quickly.  Don’t waste it worrying about the negative.  Use it thinking about who will be by your side when you conquer the world.  They’ve got you, He’s got you.  Look for them, you may be surprised by who has always been there that you have never noticed before.

“In the end, you’ll know which people really love you.  They’re the ones who see you for who you are and no matter what, always find a way to be at your side.”


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All the feels.


I’m sensitive. I have been my entire life.  I tried for years to deny it and always considered it an insult if someone called me such thing.  I was taught that being sensitive is a bad thing.  Realistically, the world at times makes being sensitive into a negative character trait. Look at the nicknames we’ve heard on the news over the last few years.  If you feel strongly about something and voice your concern in politics, you’re suddenly dubbed a, “snowflake.”  It’s as though people think all humans should consist of ice kings or queens with no emotions at all, or at least with no opinions other than their own.  If they do have all the feels, they are too sensitive, wrong, and their voice just doesn’t matter.

I’ve been told to, toughen up, let it go, suck it up, you need thicker skin, or my personal favorite, don’t let things bother you so much.  Right.

One of my kiddos is incredibly sensitive. Things just get to him, big and small.  I found myself saying to him, “Dude, you need to toughen up.”  Then one day, my own words just slapped me right back in the face.  I was repeating those same phrases to him!  He can’t help being sensitive, it’s who he is!  It’s who we both are. I can’t believe I let something that had bothered me my entire life begin to impact him the same way.

I realized at that moment that it’s ok to be sensitive.  As a matter of fact, it’s not such a bad thing at all. I’m not weak by any means, neither is my sensitive child.  We just seem to feel everything around us more than others.  And that’s ok.

Some days I may wish to be an ice queen. It may seem so much easier to not be able to feel anything and to just not care.  But, that’s just not who I am.  Maybe things do bother me faster than they do others, but at the same time I feel the good things all the more.  I’m empathetic and perceptive.  I’m aware of those around me, whether they are having an off day or not.  I can feel their pain and by having this trait, I’m able to show them that I care.

I don’t want to change anymore and I’ll never tell my kids to toughen up again. I don’t take being sensitive as an insult.  Quoting an old Jewel song, “I’m sensitive, and I’d like to stay this way.”  I think it’s one of my best characteristics, my kiddo’s too.  We all have our place in the world, the tough, the laid back, the outspoken, even the most sensitive.  We’re all in this together.

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70 x 7 – Forgive them.


It’s inevitable in life that we are going to be hurt at some point. Whether intentionally or not, it happens.  It starts out at a young age, maybe someone on the Kindergarten playground wouldn’t share.  After some tears and a talk with your teacher, sorries were exchanged and you probably continued playing without a grudge.  If only that were the case as a grown up!

Kids are much more resilient and forgiving than we are as adults. In some cases, you may get hurt over and over and over again by the same person.  How do we presently handle these situations?  How should we handle them?  Do we fight back knowing that they won’t listen to our words anyway?  Do we plea with them to hear our side of the story?  Do we update our Facebook status vocalizing our side for the world to see, just to have some validation from somebody?

I’m starting to learn how to handle these things with God’s grace.  It is hard.  It is so incredibly hard.  And sometimes I fail at it.  When people attack you or your loved ones, who wouldn’t want to fight back!  Sometimes  I hit reply faster than my hands can type.   Why should I allow lies to be spread?  I should say something!  I should fight back!  They don’t even know us!  Let’s end the rumors, tell our side!

I should…. lower myself to their level?

For who? To continue fighting back and forth with somebody that doesn’t understand is almost as bad as them spreading lies to begin with.  It’s fueling the fire.  The fire that you need to put out.  If you don’t, you’ll never feel at peace.

The thing is, people are always going to be there to remind you of mistakes that you made in your past. True or false, some people love to bring these things all back up to the surface.  It’s hard sometimes to be reminded of the hurt and pain.  Regardless, you still need to forgive them.   If not for them, for God and for yourself.

As hard as it may be, you hold your head up high, bite your tongue, and let them believe what they wish. It was never between you and them anyway. It’s always been and always will be between you and the Lord.  Put up your shield and repel their hateful words and thoughts.

Matthew 18:21-22 says, “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”  Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven!”

That’s a lot of forgiveness. That’s a lot of pride and ego set aside.  That’s a lot of letting go of hurt without validation.  But, it’s possible.  If Jesus can forgive all of those who have sinned against Him, we can forgive those who sin against us.  It’s hard.  So very difficult to do.  But, the good news is we are not alone.  God is with us every step of the way and He knows the truth.  When you hit your knees and you cannot take any more of their painful words, look up.  He’ll hold you and help you back up to your feet.

Get back up, dust yourself off.  Look up, forgive them, forgive yourself, let it go and keep moving forward!

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”

– Lewis B Smedes

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So, I finished the Arbonne Cleanse…

Support helps. My husband set this up for me the day before the cleanse started.
I never really thought I’d be the type to try a dietary cleanse.  I always thought these were for the fit, the organic, the health conscious, basically the people who were not like me.  I like sugar.  I like carbs.  I really, really like sugar.

This is why I needed to cleanse.

It’s not about weight for me.  I really needed to do this to feel better physically and mentally.   I needed to kick the sugar addiction that was causing me all sorts of trouble. Trouble that included heart palpitations, headaches, exhaustion, and the inability to find any energy at all.

A friend of mine (hi Kerri!) had been posting for a few months about the Arbonne cleanse and clean eating.  I was intrigued.  Intrigued, but not yet ready to jump in to try it myself.  So, I secretly stalked her Facebook page and followed her journey.  And, my Lord this girl was kicking butt.  Between her glowing skin, clean recipes and going from a size 26 to an 18 within a few months, I was sold.  She inspired me to try this out, so I stopped stalking her page and had her sign me up.

Of course being my first cleanse and all, I had her sign me up for the July session.  July 3rd to be exact.  The day before the 4th and all of the best bbq’s of the year.  I started feeling a little bit nervous.  Could I actually do this?  Yes, I could.  I was determined.  Mind over matter, right?  Oy vey.

My friend dropped off the goods and I was able to stare at the items in the box for a good week before I started this thing.  The word detox was more frightening to me than Pennywise (you know, the clown from IT.  Yes, the cleanse scared me more than him).

When you sign up for this, you receive 2 big bags of protein power, a bag of Arbonne’s fiber boost, their Digestion Plus powder, 2 boxes of fizz sticks, herbal detox tea, the 7-day Arbonne cleanse drink, and a partridge in a pear tree.  Ok, you do not receive the partridge, however you do receive an amazing support system from the person who signs you up and an online group which offers you support, weekly meal plans, and comments from other people on the journey with you or people who have completed it already.  It’s fantastic.


There’s a list of foods to eat and to avoid.  I went on Pinterest and found the nifty little chart above.  (Note:  I couldn’t find the original creator of this chart, so shout out and jazz hands to whoever you are because it’s fantastic).   Coffee was probably the most difficult thing for me to give up.  I never thought I would be able to do it.  But, I did and it has been over a month and I’m not even craving it anymore!  This coming from a coffee addict.

I’m not going to lie, the first few days were really, really tough.  When you are used to a certain way of eating what you want, just because you’re a grown up and able to, it’s tough to change.  It’s so easy to order a bagel with your morning coffee or grab a donut during the office meeting.  However, once you have it in your head that this is what you want and once you feel how you feel after week 1, you will not go back.

Weeks 1, 2, and 4 are the same.  For me, a day of cleanse eating consisted of a detox tea mixed with ice and a fizz stick first thing in the am for energy, 2 eggs for breakfast or a protein shake, I would alternate shake and eggs for either lunch or breakfast, for snacks I would have some of the veggies or berries and at night I would have a sweet potato with some leafy greens and chicken.  There are a TON of recipes for this cleanse on Pinterest.  I mean, a TON.  I just tried to keep it simple because it is a little overwhelming to jump into, let alone adding all kinds of brand new recipes into the game.  Shout out to my husband for helping me out with meal prep so much.

Week 3 you get to drink the Arbonne 7-day body cleanse each day for 7 days.  You pour the contents of the packet into a water bottle (they give way better instructions on the kit than I do, so make sure you read those), shake it up well, and then sip it over the course of 6 hours.  This one scared me a bit.  I didn’t like the smell of it, thus didn’t want to drink it.  However, it really was not bad.  In fact, after a few days I craved it!  It tasted like diluted apple cider vinegar to me, but not in a bad way.  Now, you cannot go crazy and drink this stuff all the time.  You’ve got to have at least a month in between (I believe), but it does its thing and flushes all of those toxins right out of your system.  You CANNOT drink the detox tea during this week.  It won’t be good, listen to the Arbonne pros when it comes to this one.

After week 3, I really started feeling my energy pick up.  I didn’t have that brain fog that I tend to get after eating sugar and junk.  I also didn’t have an upset stomach or headaches.  After week 4, I started receiving compliments from people noticing a difference in my weight and in my skin.  When somebody tells you your skin is glowing and it’s not because you are pregnant, that’s a pretty good feeling!  Even my doctor asked what I was doing different in the last two months since she had last seen me.  My blood pressure was better, weight was down, many inches were lost and energy levels were way up.

I’m about 2 weeks post-cleanse and I am feeling fantastic.  Not fantastic enough to post full body before and after pictures yet, but here are headshots from June 25th and August 8th! 

Even though the 28 days of cleansing are up, I have continued eating clean, I have continued with Arbonne’s protein shakes, fizz sticks, and detox tea.  I even signed up to be a preferred client through my friend for $20.  I love this stuff and really recommend it to anyone thinking about taking the next step towards their health.

This isn’t about losing a bunch of weight in a short amount of time.  It’s not about vanity or impressing others.  This is about kicking your bad dietary habits to the curb, saying no to your sugar or caffeine addiction and taking back control of your life.  My plan is to jump into another cleanse round in September and to continue eating clean.  Who’s with me?!

*Note, Arbonne did not pay me to review their products.  This is my honest review and opinion of the Arbonne cleanse, combined with a clean eating lifestyle.  Not everyone will have the same results, but it’s definitely worth a try!  If you’re interested in checking out more, feel free to send me an email to so I can direct you to my friend, Kerri or find me on Facebook at

More info on Arbonne here:






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Take down your walls!


I can’t remember what show it was, but years ago I remember hearing someone refer to their best friend as, “their person.”  Their person is the one who they tell all secrets to, go to for all advice.  They can call them any time of any day to head to the mall or just walk into the front door without knocking.  This person knows all of your secrets, fears, hopes, dreams, kid’s birthdays, and then some.  More and more of people I know have somebody like this in their life.  Seeing this has made me wonder, geez, why don’t I have a person!?

I’ve always had a lot of friends (acquaintances may be a better word), but never really anybody quite this close (aside from my fantastic husband).  I always have wanted this type of friendship, who wouldn’t, but could never figure out what I was doing wrong? Why didn’t people like me enough to call like they do others?  Then it hit me, it’s completely my fault.  I’m doing it all wrong!  My problem is my wall.

I have a ginormous wall up.  It’s there, it has barbwire, an electric fence, guards with tasers, attack dogs, anything you can think of to keep people out, this wall has it!  Everyone’s a little different, but in my case the reason is all trust.  You can only be hurt so many times until eventually this wall just shows up.  You may not even realize it’s happening, but it does.  There are two things that go hand and hand when this occurs, 1) People may want to be your friend, but they may not understand why you keep pushing them away.  This will probably make them stop trying eventually and 2) when you trust God and learn how to forgive others, you will find it easier to let people in!

There it is, that’s what I had to do! Trust God and forgive!  Oh, but forgiveness is so hard, isn’t it?  There have been a lot of people in my life who hurt me.  A lot.  Some I don’t speak to and probably will never speak to again.  However, I made the decision to forgive.  I promise you, when I finally did this, there was a weight that was lifted from my shoulders!  All of these years of holding a grudge and being unforgiving probably had no impact at all on these people. You know who it hurt the most?  Me.

I was sabotaging my own happiness!

Did the person (which could be “your person”) reaching out to you hurt you?  Nope, probably not.  Are you being unfair in keeping them away and not being the same friend to them as they want to be to you?  YES, yes you are!  And, you probably don’t even realize it because you cannot see over that wall!

Forgive and knock those walls down!  If you’re having a hard time with this, ask God to give you the strength to forgive.  It’s not easy, at all.  But, it’ll get you a step closer to finding your person, that is if you want one.  Maybe you’re a one-man wolf-pack, if so, forgiveness will free you from the burden of hate!  Who wouldn’t want that?

This doesn’t mean you need to keep allowing the same people to hurt you over and over continuously. This just means you are no longer hurting yourself.

Forgiveness really is a beautiful thing.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

– Ephesians 4:31-32


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A letter to the broken.


You’re hurting.  It’s hard to explain the pain you’re feeling to those around you because it may be really hard for them to understand.  You may hear words like, “you’re fine,” or “you have everything, why are you acting like this?”  Sometimes it feels as though there’s an unseen force weighing down every part of your body, causing you not to move.  Some days all you feel like doing is staring at the wall.  You’re not lazy, you just cannot make yourself move.  You may function just enough to go to work or school, you get through the day as much as you can, but it’s so incredibly hard.  But, they may call you lazy.  They may say it’s just an excuse.  But, my Lord, you know it’s not.  Maybe you’re a United States soldier.  They think all should be ok because you’re back now, right?!  They think the war is behind you.  They can’t see the sights hidden behind the lids of your eyes.  They can’t hear the sounds you’ve heard.  But, you’re home now.  That’s how it’s supposed to work, isn’t it?

You cry.  Maybe you breakdown in public.  Maybe you bottle it up until you are hiding in the shower, safe to let it all out.  You may need to hide it because in your mind you cannot let someone see the pain!  Maybe you have someone who checks in and understands you’re not ok, but it hurts even more to bother them with it.  They say talk to me anytime, I’ll be here for you, but in your mind you know they cannot possibly mean it!  The last thing you want to do is burden somebody with your tears, so you hold it in again.  The pressure.  So much pressure.

You’re alone.  You feel like they think you’re weird, or maybe they’ve told you.  You stay to yourself, yet still feel like you stick out.  You’re different.  You’re the misfit child or lone wolf at work.  You’re the one who isn’t very social and not the first one to greet a room full of people.  They don’t see the broken.  You bottle up the pain.

You want to end it all.  You get to the breaking point where it’s too much pain, too much to take.  The shadows keep getting darker and you just don’t see a light.  You no longer want to be a burden to your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, children, friends, parents, anyone anymore.  You think this is the solution.  You think this will solve it all. You’ve had enough, it’s not worth the fight.  Alone.

My friend, you’re not alone!

These words, these thoughts and feelings, they are not truth!  You may feel alone, but you are oh so loved!  It’s so hard to fight through the tears, through the pain to see it, but there is a light shining down on you.  Whether or not you believe in God, He is always there.  He is a lighthouse, just waiting for you in the midst of the storm.  He is on your side and you are loved by Him no matter what.

There are people on your side.  I guarantee even though you feel as though you are a bother or the world would be best served without you, that is a lie!  Those people who reach out to you and tell you that it’s safe to talk to them?  Take them up on it!  Chances are they love you and again it’s that enemy filling your head with these lies.

Things can be bad.  Pain can be unbearable, but you can get through the battle.  You can get through this and use the pain as a way to help another person in the same situation! Choosing to end it all is not the way.  It’s not the solution to anything.  It’s going to transfer your pain to your mother, your father, your husband, wife, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, children!  You can get through this!

Maybe you are somebody I know.  Maybe you are a stranger.  You are loved by me and even if you think that’s not possible because we haven’t met, it’s truth.  Every person in this world deserves to be here.  Every.  Single.  Person.  You my friend, are worth it.

Please do not give up.

Please refer to for more resources and information on Suicide Awareness.

You belong in this world! 

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Religious, Churchy, Jesus Freak.


Religious, Churchy, Jesus Freak.  Just a few of the names I have heard describe me since becoming a new Christian over one year ago.  I am amazed how my faith could push some people away.  I’m not scary, although I try to be when it comes to reprimanding my children (doesn’t work well).  I’m a pretty nice person, although I have a terrible tendency to laugh when people fall.  It’s a terrible habit, most likely some type of coping mechanism that I haven’t been able to shake for at least 25 of my 30-something years (this did not work out well in my summer camp counselor days).  But, still I wonder why my new-found faith pushes people away?

One thing that comes to mind is what many Christians are portrayed as in the media. Most of the time we hear the bad things that happen, over the good.  I have heard people describe Christians as having holier than thou, judgmental personalities.  Same with other religions.  As unfair as it is, there are still folks in the world who associate Muslims with terrorism.  That’s not an accurate comparison.  You do not damn an entire religion due to a few very evil seeds.  Same for Democrats, Republicans, different races, males, females, etc!  It is not truth, nor fact.  Yet it still happens.

It’s not my job to fight to make people believe in the same faith as I do.  It’s not my job to judge or look down on someone who does not believe in God (I married a man who did not believe).  It’s also not my job to preach my beliefs for the sole purpose of proving your belief wrong.   That’s not who I am and in my heart I do not believe that is who Jesus would have wanted me to be.

It is my job to be a light to the world, to accept everyone as they are.  I tend to observe and internalize my opinions, rather than putting it out on social media for the world to see.  You’ll find numerous amounts of family photos and silly kiddo quotes on my page, but you are not going to see me attacking other religions, political parties, or anyone. That is not Christianity to me.

I support gay rights.  I have several friends who are in the LGBT community and I love them all.  The thought of judging them all because I love Jesus and read the Bible does not even cross my mind.  While I know people who are incredibly vocal about their hatred for those that are gay, that is not me.  That is not the Christianity I practice.  Again, that is not what loving Jesus and believing in God means to me.

To me, loving Jesus means come as you are.  We all sin.  Every single one of us.  Myself, my husband, my kids, every single one of you, even those who hate.  Just because you hate strongly does not make you free of sin.  I feel that you can be gay and love Jesus.  I also think you can be gay and not believe in Jesus, but guess what?  I’ll still love you just the same.  This is the Christian that I am.  The funny thing is that while I like to call myself an Independent when it comes to politics, I always tend to lean more to the right. Again, not all Republicans (or Democrats) are the same.

I will testify all day long about the impact that loving God has had on my life in the last year and half.  I will tell you stories of God providing for us in a time where I didn’t think it was possible.   I’ll talk to you about what it means to tithe in our church and what that has done for our family.  But, I will not talk to you about why you should believe in all the same things that I do.   I also don’t want you to talk to me about why my beliefs are ridiculous.  It’s called being respectful, a characteristic  that I truly wish more would practice.  Differing opinions should not give you or I the right to be disrespectful to another human beings.  It’s not ok, even if you justify it with your own hatred.

I’ll continue shining my light into the world.  I’ll also promise to be a safe place and a voice for anyone feeling like they are shamed, scared, alone, or persecuted, Christian or non-Christian!  I am here for you and you are loved by me as a brother or sister.   Please do not let the darkness that some pour into the world impact your own light and spirit.  Keep pushing and keep fighting and know that I have your back!

It’s ok if you contact me regarding my opinions.  I’d love to have a conversation, as long as there’s a mutual respect involved.  It’s ok for you to disagree with me!  It’s also ok if you continue calling me a Religious, Churchy, Jesus Freak.  I’ll take it, I will own it and I will continue practicing being the loving, accepting, caring, non-judgmental, Jesus-loving Christian that I am.  Because that is what being a Christian means to me.

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16

beach · Blog · Body · Life · live · mom · opinion · summer · Uncategorized · woman · write

Get your swimsuit on, mama.


Sandy toes, crashing waves, and seagulls flying above.  The sun’s warmth is blanketing your skin.  It’s 90 degrees and you’re sitting in your beach chair, toes in the sand.  You peek over your sunglasses at all the beach goers, waist deep in the water.   Why are you still in the sand when you could be cooling down in the crisp, Atlantic water?

Swimsuits.  That’s why.   The person above was me.

I cannot tell you how many years I was envious over people brave enough to throw a bathing suit on.  They really didn’t care what anyone thought, they were just enjoying their beach days.  I was too busy sweltering, in my capris and t-shirt, more than likely with a towel draped over my lap concealing myself.  It wasn’t that I didn’t like swimming, I did!  It was because I was petrified that everyone would be staring at me.

First of all, I’m not that important that the world would feel the need to stare.  However, many of us women have this mental image of ourselves being 10 ft tall in the middle of the beach with a Superbowl sized audience watching our next move.  Here’s a newsflash, it doesn’t happen.  Most people are just people watching like you were earlier.  They probably aren’t judging you.  There’s a little negative voice inside of you that likes to show itself and tell you otherwise.  We’ll call that voice the enemy.  The enemy can go find a great white shark to hang with.  We need to learn to silence it.

Back to swimsuits.  Why are we covering ourselves up because we don’t have a perfect body?  Baby weight, cellulite, bingo wings, pale skin, freckles, whatever it is we are trying to cover up, is it worth it?  Is it worth feeling the freedom of swimming in the ocean, a lake, or a pool?  Chances are it’s not.

I was that girl.  I was that girl in high school when I was the smallest I have ever been.  I was that girl after my first child was born and again after my second.  I started to continue being her after my third child was born and something clicked.  This life we have?  Well, it’s pretty darn short.  Why in the world am I covering myself up over what people will think of my body.  MY body!  It’s mine!  I worked hard and earned every scar, every ounce of weight I gained probably has a story.  A memory that I or my children will carry with them forever!  Do I want one of those memories to be of mommy refusing to wear a bathing suit to swim with them?  Nope.  It’s not happening anymore.  I won’t do it to myself, but most of all I don’t want to damage them!

Going back to the people who may judge you or make a comment, there’s one thing to remember:  Their problem is not with your cellulite.  It’s not with your lack of muscles.  It’s not with your extra weight.  Their real problem is their inability to love their own self.  I guarantee you that people who are truly comfortable in their own skin, who don’t criticize every detail of their body, I guarantee they will not make a comment about another person’s body.  They’ll see you for who you are, not for what your body looks like.

Don’t lose memories focusing on not having that thigh gap or six pack.  Make memories, mama.  Go get that swimsuit on and get in the water!

Gentleman, this goes for you too!  Get in there!

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